Author: Jan Felix Santosa

Changes to the fs35 Elevator and Tailplane

This winter we carried out the tailplane modification that had been planned since the first flight. This is necessary to prevent aerodynamic flutter in this region at high speeds and therefore to be able to increase the maximum permissible airspeed from the previous 180 km/h to 210 km/h and finally to 280 km/h after a…
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A Mock-Up of the fs36

In the course of the fs36 project, we’ve had to design a multitude of partsto allow for the realisation of our concept. Since we are planning on using astandard fuselage, we must of course make sure that our parts will fit insidesaid fuselage. To this end, we built a fuselage mock-up at the Schempp-Hirth airplane…
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Article Series fs36 – Wing Test Piece: 5. It Moves!

And now we are at the end of the article series on the fs36 wing test piece. After the state shown in the last article, the fin, flap, and flaperon were trimmed and adjusted to each other, allowing for full movability. Furthermore, all three parts were painted and are now shining with a coat of…
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Articles Series fs36 – Wing Test Piece: 1. Reasoning and Mold Making

During the last year, we built a test piece of the fs36’s wing. We will tell you about the whole process in a series of articles. Design work on our newest prototype, the fs36 “FlyByWire” is progressing quite well and CAD (Computer-Aided Design) work is becoming more and more detailed. During the whole CAD work,…
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Aerotow Test fs35

The time has come; the Akaflieg Stuttgart finally has its own towplane again! Last evening, the fs35 took to the skies with an ASK21 in tow. Thanks to its large wing area, the towplane lifted off early, almost at the same time as the sailplane. The tow was uneventful and didn’t pose any problems. During…
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News on fs35 Flight Testing

A year ago from today, the fs35 performed its first flight in Schwäbisch Hall. Many things have happened since then; the plane was ferried to Bartholomä, where it continues to be flight tested. After the first flights this year, we started with crosswind and headwind tests, which would prevent us from being too dependent on…
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Flight Mechanical Model of the fs36

Apart from flight testing the fs35, we’re still hard at work on our newest project, the fs36. Fowler flaps, which are to be installed on the fs36, have only very rarely been incorporated in sailplanes, and therefore not a lot of experience has been gained on their use in the field. To deal with this…
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Repainting the fs25

We have good news regarding the fs25. A few months ago, we told you that the fuselage of the fs25 is to be repainted. Now we can show you the progress we’ve made. After hours of work, we finally got the fuselage ready for repainting. We then brought it to Heubach, where it would at…
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Progress on fs35 Flight Testing

Last week we told you that flight testing on the fs35 was to resume shortly. Now, we can tell you a bit about the progress we’ve made so far. We’ve worked on two separate fields: crosswind test and airspeed indicator calibration. In a crosswind test, the airplane is flown with crosswinds up to a certain…
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The fs35 Takes to the Skies Again

Last Friday, after a long winter break, the fs35 finally took off again. Just as during its first flight, our little harpy impressed us with its stunning flight performance. This is the first time that the fs35 flew after its ferry flight from Schwäbisch Hall back in September and it is also the first time…
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